If you work in a high school you may be interested in Jam Sandwiches.

We are working on projects of distribution and sales of the book in high schools.

Over the last three years, the book has been sold in some schools in Madrid for in-class reading and a meet and greet with the author, Patricia Lorente.

These meetings are very productive. Topics are discussed in a spontaneous way, and they range from friendship and love to rare diseases and how to face certain situations, if they have experienced something similar or if they know of someone who has experienced something similar…

Jam Sandwiches was written in Spanish and translated into English so it is available in both languages. A whole episode talks about what Phenylketonuria or PKU consists of, with the help of illustrations, practically showing the reader an entire biology lesson. Those students studying Mendel’s Laws can find this information very useful and some schools have used the book also for the biology class.

The book has 136 pages, a very careful paperback edition. Its price is 7 euros. One euro of each book is donated to ASFEMA, the PKU and OTM association of Madrid.

If you are a teacher or you’re interested in recommending the book to your teachers as a student, please, contact Patricia Lorente at minapatuco@gmail.com